Lakshmikumaran and Sridharan advised Krsnaa Diagnostics Limited, a listed entity on its acquisition of 23.35% stake in Apulki Healthcare Private Limited. Apulki specialises in operating cancer and cardiac care hospitals in public-private partnership (PPP) mode. The firm’s role included conducting legal due diligence on Apulki, drafting and review of transaction documents, and strategic advisory on tax implications. The corporate due diligence team consisted of Noorul Hassan, Partner, Shipra Verma, Principal Associate, Aishwarya Narasimhan, Associate and Krishna Chandak, Consultant. Additionally, Sameer Avasarala, Principal Associate and Aryashree Kunhambu, Associate assisted with intellectual property and data protection aspects of the due diligence. The transaction team was led by Noorul Hassan along with Shipra Verma and Kumar Panda, Principal Associate. Direct tax advisory was provided by Mr. Sudin Sabnis, Partner, Lokesh Gandhi, Associate and Deah Kapoor, Consultant.”

About Lakshmikumaran & Sridharan

Lakshmikumaran & Sridharan (LKS) is a premier full-service Indian law firm specializing in areas such as corporate & M&A/PE, dispute resolution, taxation and intellectual property. The firm, through its 14 offices across India, works closely on litigation and commercial law matters, advising and representing clients both in India and abroad. The firm has handled more than 30,000 litigation cases before various forums including 2,000 cases before the Supreme Court of India. Over the last 37 years, the firm has worked with over 15,500 clients which range from start-ups, small & medium enterprises, to large Indian corporates and multinational companies.

The professionals within the firm bring diverse experience to service clients across sectors such as commodities, automobile, manufacturing, healthcare, IT/ITeS, FMCG, hospitality, real estate, petrochemicals, e-commerce, fintech, big data, renewables, cryptocurrency, gaming and sports. The firm takes pride in the value-based, client-focused approach that combines knowledge of the law with industry experience to design bespoke legal solutions.

The firm’s driving principles to achieve our vision are integrity, knowledge, innovation, and collaboration.

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