About the Seminar

Affordable housing for all is the need of the hour to build an inclusive society in 21st century India. Prime Minister Sh. Narendra Modi launched the ‘Housing for All by 2023’ program, with a primary goal of providing affordable housing for the weaker sections of society. Additionally, the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) is a Government of India initiative focused on delivering affordable housing to the urban poor by 2024. The government has sanctioned eight billion rupees in the present year as a subsidy. In the EWS and LIG categories, beneficiaries can have an annual income of up to six lakh rupees and a maximum subsidy of 6.5 per cent interest subvention can be granted to them.. The working of the above programme is not free from challenges. Therefore, the objective of this seminar is to address the legal and policy challenges in implementing affordable housing for all.

The seminar will begin with examining the jurisprudence of ‘property’ to build a normative framework for the seminar, followed by a detailed discussion of the constitutional history of property rights in the Indian context, furthering into a discussion on the analysis of Property rights in India. It is crucial that laws directly affecting the purchase, construction and sale or transfer of ownership of residential units are being constantly for their impact on major section of society. The challenges faced by Real Estate Industry will be discussed in extensive detail. Issues of land sufficiency, subsidized housing, and middle-class budgeting will be the fulcrum of these discussions. Easy home loans with subsidized interest rates are the primary requirement for housing for all. Home loan departments in both national and private banks have requirements that makes the process very cumbersome. Ease in Compliances enables the idea of “housing for all” to flourish, thereby seminar will discuss banking rules and regulations affecting affordable Housing. The present framework is to be examined for handling complex Real Estate related disputes, especially big-ticket projects. There is no ‘one’ place to solve all disputes related to housing, and therefore, the person in distress finds confusion as to the authority or court to approach. Consumer Protection Act, 2019 covers disputes related to deficiency in services to consumers, but a victim can also approach the civil court in this regard. Owing to their relevance, sub-themes circling these subject-matters have been created to give creative liberty to the authors for identifying critical areas of research.


The objectives of this National Seminar are thus to understand the policy and other aspects including the structural and functional dynamics of affordable housing. Accordingly, the outcome of the Seminar would facilitate the organizers, participants and other stakeholders to make legislative and policy interventions to bring about positive social and legal transformation. This Seminar would also provide an excellent opportunity for the participants to present their own views and exchange ideas for developing a holistic understanding of the subject matter.


  • Digitization of Land Records and its Effect on the Real Estate Industry
  • Real Estate Industry: A Heaven for Tax Evasion
  • Real Estate Sector under Goods and Services Tax (GST)
  • Home Loan Industry and Affordable Housing
  • Pradhanmantri Shahri Evam Gramin Awas Yozna
  • Affordable Housing Fund in National Housing Bank
  • Case study on Affordable Housing Schemes
  • Land Pooling Policies: Case study on Issues and Challenges
  • Impact of Extension of Tax Holiday on Affordable Housing
  • Impact of Climate Change on Real Estate Development
  • Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) in India
  • Trends in leasing out Commercial Spaces
  • Foreign Direct Investment in Real Estate Sector
  • Technological Innovations in Real Estate Marketing
  • Regulatory Challenges in Affordable Housing Schemes
  • Cost of Labor and Construction in Real Estate financing
  • Challenges in Real Estate Appraisal and Valuation
  • Impact of Infrastructure Development on Real Estate Markets
  • Role of Public-Private Partnerships in Real Estate Development
  • Impact of Demographic Changes on Housing Demand
  • Current trends Dispute Resolution Mechanism in Real Estate Sector
  • Legal Framework for Land Acquisition in India
  • The Success Rates of Community-Led Housing Projects
  • Impact of Real Estate Market Cycles on Investment Strategies
  • Impact of Housing Policies on Urban Sprawl
  • Slum Re-Development Project- Comparative Analysis
  • Impact of Urban Land Ceiling on Affordable Housing.

The above-mentioned themes are not exhaustive. Papers can be submitted on other themes related to the main theme of the Seminar.

Guidelines for seminar paper

The authors/presenters are expected to apply their research skills and use appropriate research methodology. The research paper should be thematic. It should not more than 4000 words (3000– 4000 words is appreciable). The paper must be typed in Times New Roman Font Size 12 on A4 size paper with a 1” margin on all sides with 1.5 line spacing, using the Microsoft Word application. Footnotes should follow the latest edition of Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation. At the top of the abstract and paper, the Author should give the Name, E-mail ID, contact number and Name
of the Institution.

Important dates

Abstract Submission: 21st November, 2024
Approved Abstract Notification: 10th December, 2024
Submission of Complete Papers: 31st December, 2024
Notification of Approved Papers: 15th January, 2025
Presentation at the Seminar: 21st-23rd February, 2025

Research paper shall be submitted to the organisers of the seminar at submissions.clud@nludelhi.ac.in Papers received after the stipulated deadline will not be entertained.

Registration details Main Author Co-Author Participant
Professional/Acedemician Rs 2500/- Rs 2000/- RS 1000/-
Researcher/ Student Rs 1500/- Rs 1000/- Rs 500/-
International Delegate 50$

Contact Details

Organizing Committee

Student Convenors:
Aman Saini- (+919911825252)
Parth Gupta- (+9172764 49237)
Kartikeya Jaiswal- (+919307619221)

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